Payment Terms & Conditions

Payment of Student's Academic Fees
All customers/Parents/Students will get advance information for all kind of payments against any academic and institution fee, payment through online will be accepted.
Cancellation terms
There is no cancellation option available to customers for any Fee or online Payment services, please call our helpline/ institute for more assistance.
Payment Failed
In case of any kind of payment failed, issue observed during online payment through ERP portal, customer must wait for automatic refund or in case of payment done and fee receipt not generated, please wait for 24 hours and if issue is still same, please contact institute for further assistance.
Returning of any kind payment is subject to advance or after approval from management of the institution, no return of any kind of payment made through online, in case of management provide customer/student/parent any kind of relief will be adjusted to next fee amount.
Late payments
Generally, ABG INSTITUTE OF PARAMEDICAL SCIENCES charge any late fees or late payments based on the delay time of the Actual Fee Submission date. So based on pre informed submission date, institute have all kind of right to add additional or delay charges in Actual fee amount and that amount will be addon automatically after due date and customer/parent/student have to pay it through online payment services.